Private Events

Corporate events, conference & office party

Make it a night to remember with our exclusive event spaces and private lounges perfectly suited and tailored to your needs.

Restaurants & Lounges

Whether you choose one of our private conference rooms or one of our renowned restaurants, rest assured that our service and cuisine will exceed your expectations. The Bell Centre's restaurants and lounges are ideal for cocktail parties, banquets and meetings for groups of 10 to 1,850 people. Our unique facilities also allow us to meet your audiovisual needs.

  • Air Canada Signature Club
  • Mythik
  • Canti
  • Many more locations...
  • Up to 400 guests

Ice Rental

The Bell Centre provides you with an opportunity to treat your clients, employees, friends or minor hockey teams with an unforgettable experience on the Canadiens' home ice. Whether it be to play your own hockey or simply hold a free skating session - our team will ensure you have a memorable event.

  • Individual presentation of the players
  • An in-house host and one DJ
  • Event coordinator and a team of security agents
  • Up to 300 guests

The Amphitheatre

The amphitheatre is an ideal location for a major conference, shareholder meeting or exhibition. In addition to your menu needs, our experienced catering manager will take care of all the details related to entertainment, flowers and décor.

  • Up to 15000 guests

The Parterre

The Parterre of the Centre Bell is an ideal location for a major conference, shareholder meeting or exhibition. In addition to your menu needs, our experienced catering manager will take care of all the details related to entertainment, flowers and décor.

  • Up to 2300 guests

Book your event

Contact a Sales Representative

(514) 925-1078 (514) 925-1078

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